09, Oct 2018

In recent times when e-mails and SMS have somewhat replaced the conventional system of letters and post cards, the students of The Sunshine International School took an effort to enliven this medium of interpersonal communication. On October 9, 2018, which is celebrated as “World Postal Day”, a mass letter writing event was conducted in TSIS, Rajkot. The students of primary grade wrote letters for their parents in the school compound and then along with the teachers went to the saurashtra post office to post the letters to their respective address. The student prepared beautiful handmade cards. The post master briefed the students about the postal services provided by the postal department and also told about the procedure of sending letters.

The students showcased their creative flair by designing post cards, again dedicated to the postal department in recognition of their service to the country.

The amazement was clearly evident in the eyes of the complete staff of GPO. The post master also spoke to the children at length and encouraged them to write letters and send cards to their loved ones as frequently as possible. He also explained about the working procedure of the entire postal department and informed them about the various facilities they provide to their customers.

The celebration was aimed at reconnecting the future generation to the living heritage – the Indian Postal System and indeed was a great step to revive the fallen glory of the postal department.