Realistic and Achievable Goal

Dear Stakeholders,

I am immensely honoured to be a part of an innovative and incredibly exceptional educational institution. As educators we all have a dream. We dream of a school of bag-less and tuition-free education, we dream of a school where learning is fun, we dream of a school where education will cease to be a routine and monotonous exercise, we dream of a school that offers an assortment of visual, performing and literary arts activities. As a first step towards realizing that dream, we have laid the foundation of a school and have dared to be different. I have the hope and the faith that we shall be able to look back at these years with a sense of pride, achievement and immense satisfaction. Parents, I understand that you entrust our school with your most precious possession – your child. I take this responsibility very seriously and will work hard to provide a safe and caring environment.

In addition to building a positive school environment, I believe that as parents, your engagement is an essential component of your child’s education. I earnestly urge each one of you to become as involved in school activities as possible, whether it be reading to or with your child every night or conversing with your child in English.

A new school and a new principal present many opportunities to move forward… a new beginning. However, ‘newness’ alone cannot bring transformation. We must be willing to embrace change and trust that it will be what is best for our children. Let us join hands and be the change that we want to see. I welcome you to this new school of ours and thank you very much for believing and reinforcing your trust in our ambitious yet realistic and achievable goal. I look forward to your unstinted support and cooperation in the coming years.

Most sincerely yours,
U.S. Rao.