School My Alma Mater
Here Secondary education happens to be the most important phase of an individual’s education as it is during these years that a student tends to be independent taking self-decisions for further education and his/her brighter future prospects.
We are a student friendly institute hence we provide the learner with opportunities to: acquire necessary knowledge, skills and forte for the development of individual self and interrelationships among peer mates.

Aims and Goals:
- To have a conducive learning of scholarly intellect
- To build a caring and co-operative school community
- To have a sense of responsible citizenship and patriotic feeling
- To self-motivate our teenagers
- To render problem-solving skills
- To make them environmentally conscious students
- To instil ethical values
[Feeling of brotherhood/Being compassionate/Self-disciplined]
Teaching & Learning
Our institute has a unique feature of knowledge sharing between both the mentor and the mentee wherein our core purpose is to provide high quality Teaching and Learning. Students learn in many different ways so we aim to teach using many different styles.
An authentic curriculum plan
We strictly abide by the authorized norms of a CBSE secondary and higher secondary school. Mentors plan and make our curriculum relevant & student friendly as the board suggests.
Subjects taught at SECONDARY level for holistic teaching:
Scholastic Subjects:
- English Language & Literature
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Science
- Informatics Practices
- Hindi/Gujarati [second language]

Subjects taught at SENIOR SECONDARY level for holistic teaching:
Science Faculty:
- Informatics Practices
- English Core
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Math
Commerce Faculty:
- Informatics Practices
- English Core
- Accountancy
- Business Studies
- Economics
Educational/Industrial Field Trips
We conduct such tours for senior scholars to acquire practical skills and master them in the task assigned to them. It adds to students cognitive grasping having a deeper impact over the pupil.
Parental involvement
As parents are the first informal educators of their children so we aim to work in partnership with them by frequent meetings to share the progress of the student.